Showing posts with label Transformers Review. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Transformers Review. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Transformers Review

4th of July, the day that promises more than the celebration of our country along with fireworks, but also action packed movies with much build up. Usually this day is reserved for an All-American known as Will Smith who steals the show and weekend This year was something different, an old cartoon brought to life by those with much money and knowledge in computers. Transformers had everything going for it, the only thing I didn't let about it before I saw it was the fact that the release was on a Monday night at 12am. Seriously how far back are we going to push these openings.

Well the time came for me to see it. The suspense built up all around me and goosebumps slowly started sliding there way down my spine. When the time came I thought of nothing more than Optimus Prime vs. Megatron in a climatic ending of apocalyptic proportions. The story like all others starts out with a little information about the past and how the robots came to be, not knowing anything really of the Transformers it was a bit odd to me that this cube possessed the energy to create life. At first it wasn't fully clear until the main character Sam, played by Shia, gives a little background as well showing why the robots would target him. They did so in a genuine fashion, and although some scenes were a bit cheesy, I did enjoy the part where Sam kicks his weirdo friend out of the car for the sweet ass looking girl known as Mikeala played by Megan Fox, she's going places I can assure that.

The robots come into play around 45 -60 minutes into the movie. The best scene for laughs is when Sam sneaks back into his bedroom all alone to find the glasses and the girl Mikeala is found in there by his drunk parents who seem to enjoy the episode very much. The robots look amazing in every aspect, transformed and in car/truck mode as well. I enjoyed the beginning when Sam first got the car with a cameo by Bernie Mac, he sure knows how to steal the show with his typical dialogue and personality.

Once the robots come around and everyone is familiar with each other, and the story is laid out. The Men in Black then come in and a whole different world is seen. I also found this part truly interesting. Known as Sector 7, an underground government that controls everything while keeping all the secrets from everyone in the world. The one part I found kind of pointless was the hackers which was at least 20 minutes of nothingness. The climatic ending was pretty cool, along with the dessert troops fighting in the Middle East. The one problem that I found really annoying was that the camera was jittery, and always changing angles at a constant 2 second beat. It was hard to concentrate on anything, let alone a bunch of battles happening at once. I do give my props to the sheer magnitude that the robots had with their presence on the screen. The robots were done perfectly, the storyline pretty good, but I must say this movie had everything going for it to make it one of the best movies of the year yet it feel sure in more places than one. From the shifting camera, pointless hackers, and why in the hell did they bring that square in the city to defend it amongst civilians everywhere, I will never have a clue. This movie still gets a 4 out of 5 from me. The visual effects were beyond stunning and there wasn't your everyday stunts in this one, but little treats that were different than what we are use to seeing.