Showing posts with label Rage Against Machine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rage Against Machine. Show all posts

Saturday, March 3, 2007

300 seconds on 300, and some other good stuff

Yesterday I received a video in reponse to RUTFME, this is a fan's way of applying "Are you titty f**king me," in everyday use. I would like to thank the fan for sending me this footage and it's actually pretty good use of the term in everyday life.

As for something even more amazing I have come across footage of 300 seconds for the movie 300. What a treat it is my good friends, it's in the middle of one of the more intense battle scenes of the movie.

Also Rage Against Machine has officially come back together for at least one concert with Wu-Tang around July. Hopefully this could lead to some albums, and more rebellious antics against the government.