Still there have been many other reportings about Bigfoot, and there are some different ways to think about it. Scientist claim there is still large areas of California wilderness that are so vast that it wouldn't be odd if they found a whole species of Sasquatch living in them. There are forest so large they would be able to hold a small population of dinosaurs without fear of humans bothering them. Then there are theories as to whether Bigfoot is like an American Werewolf. There are also many different relations and other similar reports of Sasquatch like animals all over the globe. The most familiar one that may be able to be considered a cousin of Sasquatch is the Abominable Snowman.
A truly interesting piece of evidence that supports the Sasquatch story is the local art and pots designed by Native Americans in that area over 200 years ago. There are many different symbols that represent a beast much larger than man and full of hair. More than likely if Sasquatch does exist he is a dying bread. Extinct by most standards, but to think that someone so close to the chain of humans and monkeys not yet discovered is shocking. Maybe it is a government cover-up so that the evolution change doesn't get rocked by this. Maybe they are even results of experiments by the government that have also gone wrong. Either or, the odds are in favor that Bigfoot is probably not real, and that all the evidence and videos are just hoaxes done up by people who crave attention. There have never ever been bones found of any type of Sasquatch, which may mean that they are smart enough to bury their dead, but still with all their hair and such these ape like creatures are more likely to be found south of the equator. Then there is the theory that maybe they crossed the Bering Strait years back, since there is evidence that such creatures did exist millions of years ago in a forests very similar to those in the US, in China. Still if they did ever exist it was probably over 1 million years ago, any sightings of them now are probably larger than life humans who have been abandon by their families because of mental/physical problems.