Southland Tales has a pretty stellar cast. A plot with more twists than a twizzler. A futuristic view of society that seems so real, with lots and lots of symbolic meaning intertwined into the whole movie.
For starters there was a lot of resemblance to Donnie Darko, especially in the end. Any fan would notice how the endings of both movies are almost the same with the relation of one characters sacrificing himself for the greater good, because of the time/space continuum. Then there is the dance scene before it all goes down, tagging along with the sad realization of reality all around us. How some of the characters realize how fake the world has become. The meaning for something greater to be achieved out of life is realized by a few, while others give into the artificial pleasures around them. The bullet hole in one eye of a main character, who is from the future. There is so much more, but I want to look at other parts of the movie as well.
The biblical meanings are way over my head. I am a true catholic but I can even begin to decipher what was going on. Justin Timberlake was playing Pilot Abilene (possible reference to Pontius Pilot??) who narrates the whole movie through the final book of the bible, Revelations. Extremely cool idea btw. If you know anything about prophecies, when they come true the interpretations that relate them to something happening are sometimes ridiculous. This movie kind of points that out, at least I think so, but makes everything come together in the end. You might have to watch this over just listening to Pilot reading his revelations.
Then there is the Rock who plays Boxer and Jericho. Two different people, at least we don't know that until the end. I am not to sure about the symbolic meaning of Jericho here. I love the acting that the Rock does, but it's just hard to seem him play the coward that Boxer is. When he does the Montgomery Burns finger taps, it has meaning in the end, but seems kind of weird throughout the whole movie. Also when he dies in the end and Jesus is seen bleeding through his back, I don't quite get that because he really doesn't save anyone. Although he does take down the strong conservatives in the Zeppelin with him, while the Neo-Marxist are getting destroyed down below.
We then come to Seann William Scott. This is really odd, not sure at all what's happening here, except that he is the one who went through the 4th dimension. I then came to realize that maybe the 4th dimension made it possible to transport the Elixir of God, or that crazy alternate energy they were using. I don't know just throwing that out there. It was also maybe a way of saying don't mess with God's powers too.
This also becomes relevant when people are trying to play God, they are eventually killed in the end too. (These are the people that play the role of Homeland Security, aka Dent in the movie.) They are overseeing everything, trying to control everyone.
Krista Now, played by Sarah Michelle Gellar is probably my favorite character. Although she seems to be clueless and out for herself, she also wrote the whole story down with Boxer in the beginning of the movie too. Maybe she plays the role of Mary Magdalene.
Then of course there are the many other numerous characters who appear throughout the whole movie. I couldn't believe the characters from SNL and Mad tv in the movie, playing crucial roles, but also mocking the characters by playing those roles. That is probably why they were playing them.
The best part about this movie is the whole obvious plot that anyone can notice. The future with constant observation, and control by the government.
I like the whole idea of using Robert Frost and the saying "This is the way the world ends." Throughout the whole movie there is so many references to all types of literature, art, religion, and pop culture. It's so hard to understand this movie, and this is why I believe it will be a masterpiece in due time. I hope that many people respond to this blog with their ideas and personal reviews of this movie.
Still there is much more that I missed I just wanted to get some of this down with hopes of responses.
I wish I could've seen the extra 20-25 minutes that we cut out of the original, maybe that extended version will be out shortly. I give this movie a 4.5 out 5. I didn't quite get it after watching it, but the hundreds of themes, ideas, views, references, and use of symbolism is amazing. For a person to direct and write such an epic movie, he should be recognized on a much larger level than right now. Although I am still very confused I feel I will eventually put the pieces together.
I just saw this movie... BTW BIG Darko fan as well... and as much as I liked this one ... I didn't get it at all... it was another what the hell just happened kind of movie... HA... maybe a few more watchings and it will become more clear like Darko did...
ReplyDeleteyea i liked the movie too. it was pretty trippy till everything became a lot more clear in the end. i think the rock did a great job and sean william scott i never knew he could play a serious and do a hell of a job. this movie is straight 5 out of 5. i may not understand every last detail of the movie but the pieces i have put together are so in depth and unlike other movie's coming out now, this one forces you to use your head. BTW donnie darko is a strange but great movie. if the writer of both these movies comes out with another movie, bet your ass i will be there opening night.
ReplyDeleteDwayne Johnson and J.Timberlake are surprisingly talented actors; but i'm still trying to figure out what Southland Tales was about... maybe it's really obvious, i.e. life in Los Angeles is blurred, cluttered, flashy and not always meaningful.
ReplyDeletei wanna know why the rocks characterin the end keeps talking about committing suicide, was that part of the movie that i didnt get? and also how did sean william scotts character survive that car bomb if the rocks character didnt?
ReplyDeleteI don't know pal it has been quite awhile since I saw that. I think his character jumped out or something weird. I am not sure there was so much involved in that whole story it's hard to pick out those little details but I am sure there was a reason behind it all.
ReplyDeleteWhen I get through all the fantastic anarchy that is this wonderful film, I find myself thinking one thing. That was awesome. I also see it for something I'm not sure a lot of people, or anyone for that matter, see it for. The absolute main character is Officer Ronald Taverner. Everything he is experiencing is manifested into this social apocalyptic story. He was the best friend of Private Pilot Abilene and the two of them were stationed together in Iraq. During an incident that is not SHOWN but briefly mentioned in the movie, Ronald Taverner accidentally shoots and kills his best friend, Pilot Abilene, in the face;friendly fire. THIS IS THE ONLY "REAL" LIFE THING ABOUT THIS MOVIE. This is why when we see Abilene in the film, he has a massive scar on his face.
ReplyDeleteEVERYTHING else, the characters, the story, the biblical themes, the political themes, are ALL just manifested interpretations of Ronald Taverner's personal internal struggle. The REASON all of this is happening is because he cannot come to terms with himself for what he had done to Pilot Abilene. This is why at the end of the film when he and his "brother" shake hands and he says he'll kill himself if he doesn't let go while simultaneously repeating the words, "I forgive you" and "it's not your fault." to HIMSELF. The "brothers" Ronald and Roland are two manifestations of the same soul because he feels so torn within himself about wanting to take his own life and being able to forgive himself and continue with his life. Eventually he comes to terms with what happened, forgives himself and EVERYTHING that was inside his head, the "society" and characters that played out the story in the movie all died. The "apocalypse" sequence was him "killing" off the side of himself that wanted to kill himself. The mantra he uses to help himself along is...."I'm a pimp, and pimp's don't commit suicide. That is the true "meaning" of Southland Tales.